
Sales Area Manager/Salesman

Sales Area Manager/Salesman

Job Responsibilities:

1, according to the sales manager's arrangement, complete sales targets;

2. Regularly return customers who are in their own jurisdiction to maintain a good relationship of cooperation;

3. Actively participate in relevant industry promotion meetings, and participate in related activities such as the development of domestic large-scale industry exhibitions;

4. Actively develop new customers, maintain existing customers, and establish customer files;

5, according to the customer purchase and sales plan to ensure timely payment of goods in place, the establishment of customer credit files, improve the recovery rate of goods;

6. Obey the company's management system, and submit sales plans, sales summary reports and sales reports, etc. on a regular basis in accordance with departmental management objectives;

7. We agree with the company's management philosophy and corporate culture and actively participate in various activities organized by the company.

job requirements:

1. College degree or above, major in horticulture, forestry, agronomy, plant protection, biology, etc., work experience in relevant industries is preferred;

2, have a good oral expression ability, cheerful personality, courage to challenge themselves;

3, have the intention to develop in the sales industry, have a strong initiative, can work hard, have a strong sense of responsibility;

4, can adapt to frequently send business trips (South China, Central China, North China and other regions).

Corporate welfare: five insurances, one gold, year-end bonuses, year-end bonuses, holiday benefits, employee travel, professional training, salary adjustments, etc.


Contact: HR

Contact Tel: (If you meet, you will see, declined to call)

Resume delivery email: syf@jp2003.com

阳江市| 莒南县| 榆树市| 灌云县| 藁城市| 余姚市| 庄河市| 开化县| 介休市| 潜山县| 华容县| 长岛县| 永嘉县| 双柏县| 通河县| 喜德县| 宜兴市| 青神县| 灵寿县| 茶陵县| 商南县| 开原市| 禄劝| 米脂县| 龙江县| 乐陵市| 兴义市| 本溪市| 黄大仙区| 深泽县| 孟连| 哈密市| 左云县| 镇沅| 恩施市| 岳普湖县| 台前县| 榆中县| 睢宁县| 遵义市| 遂平县|