
International Buyer

International Buyer

Academic requirements: College degree or above

Foreign language requirements: Proficiency in English is required

Work Location: Huli District, Xiamen City

Reference monthly salary: 3000-6000 yuan/month

Salary and benefits: Five insurances, housing accumulation fund, commercial insurance, paid annual leave, year-end double pay, business trip subsidy, holiday benefits, professional training, regular medical check-ups, employee travel, multiple salary adjustments each year

Job Responsibilities:

1. Develop suppliers, conduct inquiry, price, contract negotiation, etc.;

2, in accordance with the provisions of the procurement process, the implementation of the procurement plan;

3, responsible for document review, customs declaration, settlement and other foreign trade process work;

4. Deal with the supply and quality problems arising from the procurement of products and suppliers;

5. Responsible for reception and translation of foreign clients;

6, complete the leadership of other matters assigned.

job requirements: 

1. Skilled in English, familiar with foreign trade process; welcome excellent graduates;

2. Have good ability to communicate and respond, strong negotiation skills, clear thinking, clear organization, practical work.


Contact: HR

Contact Tel: (If you meet, you will see, declined to call)

Resume delivery email: syf@jp2003.com

肇州县| 石景山区| 洪雅县| 临江市| 盐源县| 南投市| 崇信县| 尼勒克县| 靖远县| 建瓯市| 吴川市| 通州区| 万宁市| 乌鲁木齐市| 岳西县| 武平县| 图们市| 丘北县| 加查县| 盐城市| 沙田区| 三穗县| 洪雅县| 青岛市| 崇州市| 霍林郭勒市| 电白县| 汝城县| 孝昌县| 文登市| 凤翔县| 军事| 长宁区| 肇源县| 德昌县| 武平县| 寻乌县| 河北区| 自贡市| 禹州市| 德格县|