
The research group of Chen Rongkai's deputy governor is present to our investigation and research

Column:Company news Time:2017-12-06
On the morning of January 6, 2014, under the escort of vice mayor of Xiamen Zhang Canmin and vice governor of Zhang Jiawei in Huli District, the deputy governor of Chen Rongkai, deputy governor of Chen Rongkai of Fujian Pro

On the morning of January 6, 2014, under the escort of vice mayor of Xiamen Zhang Canmin and vice governor of Zhang Jiawei in Huli District, the deputy governor of Chen Rongkai, deputy governor of Chen Rongkai of Fujian Province, Deputy Secretary General of Wang Xingyun in Fujian Province, director of Zhang Lixian of Fujian provincial agricultural department, Dean Paul Liu of Fujian Provincial Academy of agriculture, and deputy director of Xiamen Agricultural Bureau Zhang Yi Fu, and other leaders and experts The research team will come to our department for research, and the research team will investigate the development of modern agriculture in Xiamen.

In the process of investigation, first of all, the general manager of our company led the research group to visit the products and objects in the exhibition area and introduced them. After some understanding, the research group was very interested in our products and discussed with the general manager of our department. Later, guide the leading experts to visit our office environment and explain to the company a simple introduction through PPT. After the investigation group listened carefully to the introduction and project report of our company, the deputy governor of Chen Rongkai said that the deputy governor of the company said it was very happy and affirmative to the development of our company and encouraged the enterprises to continue to carry out the Department. Tackling key problems, expanding market demand and winning development opportunities. After the meeting, vice governor Chen Rongkai also kindly talked with our staff and expressed concern and encouragement for our staff.

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